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last post in Roleplaying tips by September Rim Jan 14, 2018 20:50:45 GMT

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Sub-boards: Auditions , Events


Clan and general announcements can be found here as well as any current auditions for high-ranking spots. Most announcements will be condensed into a random updates which will be titled as such.

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Joining FCO

After reading the rules come here to fill out an application and join. Please take note of all character bans and encouragements, found, along with other important documents, in the board.

last post in JOINING FORM by September Rim Jan 12, 2018 19:15:36 GMT

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Sub-boards: RiverClan, WindClan

Accepted Characters

Once your char's bio has been accepted, it will be moved to the appropriate subboard within this board so that it can be found easily in the future.

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Guests & Members

Sub-boards: Journals, Games

General Hangout

Just a general lounge board where you can discuss topics dealing with anything - excluding, of course, subjects against the rules. There are lots of sub-boards in this section, including games, intros, and contests, so do yourself a favor and check it all out!

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Writing Center

Need help with some aspect of roleplaying? Want constructive criticism focused specifically on improving your roleplaying or other forms of writing? Here, you can receive all of that and more - think of it essentially as a place to refine your writing skills, whether that's focused on role-play or essay writing.

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This is a general reference board for beginner members with any questions dealing with the site, roleplaying, etc. All members are free to post here if they have an answer, but it is likely that you will be assisted quickly by an admin or staff member.

last post in Roleplaying by September Rim Feb 1, 2018 19:12:14 GMT

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Sub-boards: Back, First

Advertising and Affiliation

Here is where you can advertise or affiliate with the FCO.

last post in The Clan Renaissance by Riley Jan 22, 2021 4:34:25 GMT

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Here, you can put unwanted characters up for adoption, watch them be adopted, or alternately, just disown them. Careful when making a distinction between the two; clarification is inside the board, as are 'characters wills.'

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Looking to pursue your cat's mate? Or searching to get a family member, friend, or sire? Perhaps a simple RP partner? Post all your wants here. Please refer to the rules for rules on mates & kits for your character before you decide to pair up your character - there have been some limits.

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Cat logs

n here you can make a thread listing all your cats, as well as various scraps of info you find important. It is a convenient way to keep track of them and makes it easier for people to know which characters you play. Remember, one thread per person - but there's no limit on versions.

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Sub-boards: Camp Clearing , Leader's Den, Medicine Cat's Den, Warrior's Den, Apprentice's Den, Nursery , Elders' Den


ThunderClan camp is situated at the foot of a dry, sandy ravine and sheltered by thorn bushes, which makes it hard to attack and easy to defend. The entrance is well hidden, and the entire rift was formed by the flow of an ancient river. This river shaped many of the features in the camp, particularly the rocks, and sand can still be found in great quantities here. Tall ferns and trees keep the birds of prey out while still allowing the sun in. Near the ravine is a small spring, which is a perfect water source, close and accessible.

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Sub-boards: Sandy Hollow, Tall Pines, Snakerocks


The ThunderClan Forest is filled with deciduous trees and home to many different kinds of animals. It is generally a bright and summer-like place, even when the bitter cold of leaf-bare bites the stones and freezes the ground. The prey found here includes - but is not limited to - mice, voles, squirrels, rabbits and birds. ThunderClanners stay upwind of their prey, stalking it until they are at a close enough distance to strike. The trees are bushy and cheerful, and the forest is almost always plentiful in prey. However, there are dangerous places that a cat must beware of, such as Snakerocks or the Thunderpath. Sunningrocks, too, is a place to be wary of; it is a place of many battles over territory with RiverClan, but ThunderClan currently keeps a tight hold on the area, despite their dislike for swimming and fishing.

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Sub-boards: Camp Clearing , Leader's Den, Medicine Cat's Den, Warrior's Den, Apprentice's Den, Nursery , Elders' Den


Settled in between a large depression of pine trees, the ShadowClan camp often requires a second, third, or even fourth take to be seen. Ferns and other shrubbery keep it hidden behind layers of leaves, and the inability to pinpoint its exact location is detrimental to invading forces or predators. A large tunnel made out of brush and vines leads from the hollow to the territory, and it is an ingenious thing, appearing as a tangled black mass even to those familiar with it. The pine trees cover most cats who decide to leave camp, shedding the sharp scent of sap and coating the forest floor with pine needles. Dark dirt coated with these needles is the ground for the ShadowClanners; however, grass can be found in large quantities in the summertime, especially in the sunnier spots. Most of the dens for the ShadowClan cats are in caves, burrows underground, or even in decayed tree trunks. Because of the trees, in the winter time most cats don't have to fret about snow plummeting straight into their camp, but they do have to watch out for falling mountains of snow, dropped when the branch can no longer sustain the weight being put upon it. Probably their most clear concern would be twolegs, because their nesting grounds are not as distance as they would have liked.

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Sub-boards: Fern Clearing , Pine Woodlands , Shadowed Caves


Mud and grass carpets half of ShadowClan's land. The combination of textures, resulting in a rather liquid and boggy state, makes ShadowClan's land unattractive. Ponds already diluted with mud and algae can be seen in some areas. Lucky for them, a large narrow stream cuts straight across their territory, filled with minnows and frogs; frogs have become another common dish for ShadowClan, seeing as their territory caters to them. But ShadowClan's main delicacy is crows and magpies, seen commonly on their grounds; rabbits are rarer, but no less coveted. In wintertime, when the ponds and stream are frozen, ShadowClan cats are forced to eat berries, nuts, and small mice or voles - which they detest. In contrast, the other side of ShadowClan territory is relatively pleasant, consisting of dry land, grass and pine trees. Brush, ferns, and other shrubbery is evident on both sides of ShadowClan, but seen more on the lush side of camp.

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Sub-boards: Camp Clearing , Leader's Den, Medicine Cat's Den, Warrior's Den, Apprentice's Den, Nursery , Elders' Den


The RiverClan camp is an island, situated in the middle of the river that gives the clan its name. This island is surrounded by tough reeds, and its location makes it fairly easy to defend from invaders, who are often not keen to cross the running water. Stepping stones provide slightly easier access for RiverClan cats, particularly during winter months when dropping into the freezing water can mean death. However, after a heavy rain, the stepping stones - and the RiverClan camp - are often underwater, or at least partially submerged. RiverClan has had a history of being forced to evacuate in heavy storms. As RiverClan primarily hunts fish, it is not difficult to hunt directly from camp, and as a result, RiverClan cats are often the most well-fed Clan in all seasons. RiverClan dens are either structures of mud and reeds, as with the warrior and apprentice dens, or fashioned in a comfortable space underneath the sparse trees that dot the island.

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Sub-boards: The Marshes, The River, Woodlands, Rock Shelter , Sunningrocks


RiverClan's territory is dominated by the river, which flows through the heart of the terra and then curves to form the border with ThunderClan. The rest of RiverClan's territory is generally marshy, muddy, and reedy, although the part near ThunderClan has deciduous trees. These trees are not close enough to be called a forest, but they do form a shade on hot days. The marshy portion of RiverClan territory has a few sink holes, which can be - and often are - dangerous to cats not familiar with the territory; out of all the Clans, RiverClan's land is perhaps the most easily defendable. As RiverClan's primary prey is fish, the cats spend most of their hunting time near one part or another of the river. However, they also know how to hunt other prey, and they can often find mice, squirrels, low flying birds, and the like in the trees.

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Sub-boards: Camp Clearing , Leader's Den, Medicine Cat's Den, Warrior's Den, Apprentice's Den, Nursery , Elders' Den


The WindClan camp is situated within a circle of steep hills, and the high walls provide shelter from harsh weather and predators. Tall grass, brush, and shrubbery provide a form of confinement. Despite that, it is easy for any living cat to slip away because of the fern tunnel that leads to bare valley uplands. Most cats dig tunnels for their nests, others use the dug out caves or craggy hillsides as a form of security and shelter.

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Sub-boards: Fox Cave, Moorland Terrain , WindClan Tunnels


WindClan territory mainly consists of tall grasses, boulders, and at times shallow ponds or muddy pools. Crows and rabbits flock their territory, leaving the WindClan cats to put their lean and agile bodies to good use out on the plains where hunting is fast and sharp. Foxes have left abandoned caves on the outlands of their territory, and are the most popular predator to step paw on their land. Lucky for them, WindClan cats aren't big fighters, because their ability mostly sticks to the grounds of hunting. Steep cliffs can also be found on WindClan's territory, as well as hills that make up most of the area. Although they have few water sources because of the dry ground, ponds and streams can be found here and there. During the winter, birds usually go south, and the rabbits hibernate, making WindClan perhaps the most vulnerable in the cold season. Underground tunnels also dot the landscape, old warrens made by rabbits, badgers, and foxes, but not even WindClan knows the full extent of these tunnels - and beware, they are as prone to changing as the weather, and can be as just as dangerous.

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The River

Before it can reach Fourtrees, the river curves to form the border between RiverClan and ThunderClan. It is strong and incredibly swift, but not all that deep; especially at the edges, the water is quite shallow, and it is only in the middle where it reaches perhaps a maximum depth of five feet. It ends in a medium-sized waterfall that cascades into the beginning of the gorge, and its entire length is filled with fish. The river is fairly wide, dangerous for any but a seasoned RiverClan swimmer to swim. However, there are stepping stones and other methods of crossing all along the river that cats make full use of. The forest by this border has abundant prey like water voles who live along the riverbanks, lined thickly with rushes, ferns and reeds, and along its edges, in quiet mini-lagoons, are lilypads. Sunsets at this river are incredibly beautiful.

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The Gorge

A huge gorge marks the RiverClan border with WindClan. Its sides are made up of steep rocky cliffs, and the river runs fast and clear between, a dangerous hazard for creatures of any kind. Though there are sparse beaches some cats take advantage of, the trip down the cliff-side and the subsequent danger of the water itself usually dissuades exploration. Sage-colored grass appears in tufts along the cliffside, providing some security for brave cats or the occasional rodent. Once, when the river was shallower, slower, and smaller, it was a good hunting area, but as the river changed it scared away most of the prey, leaving nothing but a risky canyon. There is a brief transition between reedy marshes and open, grassy moors before this gorge. It splits the land until fairly close to Fourtrees, where it narrows out and becomes shallower, and the source of the entire river - a spring bubbling out between two rocks - is visible.

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This is the border between ShadowClan and ThunderClan. It is a gray-black strip of asphalt, cracked and aging with the burden of hurtling cars ("monsters"). It has an acrid tinge from the oil and gas ("food of the monsters") and can sting a cat's nose. At the edge of the path are patches of unhealthy, grayish grass and small stunted trees. One of these trees, an ash, marks the spot where most cats like to cross. Underneath the Thunderpath is an old twoleg tunnel, which cats also like to use to get between territories, though subsequently it's a place where cats have to tread very carefully, lest their intentions be misinterpreted by the other Clan.

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StarClan Owned


Four great oaks tower above a circular, sandy hollow, a place for the Clans to meet together in peace every full moon. With roots that have been tangled together by time, they stretch up to the sky, and between their branches the heavens are just visible. A large rock lies near the edge of the hollow, and it is from here, with their Clans assembled before them, that the leaders announce their news from at the Gatherings.

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It is to highstones that the leaders journey when it is time to receive their nine lives, or perhaps just commune with their ancestors, while medicine cats come every half-moon. Named highstones because of the large, wind-sanded stones that lie in front of the tunnel which leads to the moonstone, the area is backed up against a small, mostly rocky hill. It's likely it was the site of an old quarry, now long gone, but the earth remains mostly sparse and bare around the area, broken only by the humping shape of boulders.

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Old Oak

The old oak is situated even beyond highstones, a strange and imposing figure on the moors. Everything else around it is bare; the oak stands alone, perhaps symbolic of the fact that it no longer carries leaves in any season, silhouetted against the sky in twisting black shadows. But if you are brave enough, rumor has it that if you walk all the way out to the oak and sleep for one night in the hollow in its trunk, made by a long-gone owl, you'll experience the past as if you were living it, every detail as clear as you can imagine. Welcome to your memories.

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Surrounding Lands

The lands around the forest are home to loners and rogues, friend and foe, prey and predator alike - anyone the Clans have pushed off their land, and who have not found a home in the city or beyond. Venturing into these foreign lands is entirely at the adventurer's own risk, particularly if they are Clan; not everyone bears goodwill towards the groups of cats that have taken over the best parts of the forest. Still, though, the surrounding lands around the Clan territories can be considered as a territory in-and-of itself, and certainly boast some impressive features - from the windswept fields to the barren graveyard, as long as you stay away from the rogues and the two-legs, you will find an entirely new world waiting to be explored.

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If you follow the train tracks out of Perry Union Station, you'll inevitably end up heading west towards the mountains and beyond. Though there are places where the railway diverges - one set of tracks leads north against the base of the range, the other south - the main lines always persist towards the mountains themselves. Inevitably, you'll end up traveling over the range, emerging hopefully unscathed on the other side (the snows can make the passage difficult). There, the tracks begin to split in earnest, heading in all directions, but keep going straight and before long you'll end up at the ocean. The coastline is a mix of rugged and gentle; the town where the train stops before it heads off is another place built around industry, though trending towards a quiet sort of tourism as the years wear by. If you take the train, it takes two days of unbroken traveling to arrive; if you take another method, it will take considerably longer. Either way, when you finally arrive, Oceanside - cursed by a fairly even mix of cloud and sun - is an excellent place to spend a while.

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The mountain range stands tall and proud directly to the west of the city, the snow-capped peaks just far enough away to be a journey but close enough to be a familiar part of the landscape. It's impossible to see where the range ends and where it begins, but everyone knows what lies on the other side, if only through legend: the ocean. First, though, one must pass through the mountains themselves, which is a treacherous journey - you must traverse ice and snow, cliffs and rocky terrain, dense forests that give way to vulnerably open ground at timberline, and entirely new predators and threats. It's beautiful, of course, but don't ever let your guard down, or think you'll find allies to help you, as a result - even the Tribe of Rushing Water can be as dangerous as the mountains they live in.

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Not necessarily progressive enough to be noticed or derelict enough to be mourned, the city is almost in its own world, comfortably familiar and moving along at its own pace. By no means is it backwards, of course; technologically and architecturally competent with the rest of the world, it could potentially become quite an influential place. Now, however, it is just another spot on the map, broken into easily recognizable districts that play out their own little dramas and are involved in their own dreams. If you stay here long enough, you’ll quickly fall into routine, coming quickly to the realization that this city is just as alive as places twice its size.

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Character Archives

The deep black pit of characters, some unmade, some disowned, all relegated to the dusty shelves of history books and arcane references nobody understands except for an ancient few. If you need a character retrieved, PM a staff member (September Rim), and they will gladly be moved back into the Acceptance Thread.

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